It really is time to shut up about Harvard

Over the last several weeks, I’ve seen a story by FiveThirtyEight, the site started by stats guru Nate Silver, provocatively titled “Shut Up About Harvard” making the higher education social media rounds. I couldn’t agree more with the sentiments in the article. Namely, the article suggests the national media’s focus on elite higher education gives a distorted picture of the way most people experience higher education. In today’s post, I will share the key points from the story that I think those of us in higher education should consider because I do believe it really is time to shut up about Harvard.

Photo credit: Abi Skipp

The national media is obsessed with elite universities— especially private ones. 

Interdisciplinary spaces on campus

For five decades, Building 20 stood on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The exterior of the building revealed its origins as a temporary structure built to accommodate post-World War II growth. Defined in an exhibit at the MIT Museum as a “plywood palace,” the wood-frame construction was nondescript and decidedly utilitarian. Despite its ramshackle appearance, the building came to embody the industrious spirit of the institution. MIT’s influential wartime radar project developed within its walls as well as the Institute’s first interdisciplinary projects. The Stata Center now stands on the former site of Building 20. The new construction, which includes over 720,000 square feet of space, “is meant to carry on Building 20’s innovative and serendipitous spirit” (Mitchell 2004). The building’s whimsical construction—including a design based solely on curves and angles—fosters creativity and interdisciplinary engagement for its occupants. As the Institute’s provost explained, “When you round the corner and see the Stata Center, you will know you’re at MIT.”

Building 20, MIT

Campus leaders can support institutional diversity

With the causes and challenges related to increased homogenization likely to continue influencing higher education, institutional diversity will likely continue to decline, which will threaten historical institutional missions. In today’s post, I want to share an excerpt from my monograph, Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education, with recommendations and future research to show campus leaders can support institutional diversity.

The power of the web in higher education

The explosion of the internet has paralleled an expansion of web presence by colleges and universities. We cannot image a higher education institution without a web page any more than we can one without a library, classroom, or administration building. Higher education pours resources into web efforts for the newest technologies and creates entire administrative units whose primary responsibility is the institution’s web efforts. Yet, with all of these efforts, what are institutions conveying to internal and external audiences? In today’s post, I will discuss the power of the web in higher education and how we can do better.

Photo credit: Daniel Morrison

Surely, web pages serve a utilitarian function providing users with necessary information about the campus.

The current environment of higher education demands that colleges and universities value and employ marketing strategies including the business concept of branding.

Within this competitive context, today’s institutional web page serves a tremendously critical role as a marketing tool.

Along with the growth of the internet, technology savvy students place the web site as the institution’s proverbial front porch.

Yet, what are higher education saying about themselves.

A thoughtful study on the subject by Kem Saichaie and Christopher Morphew suggests that universities are emphasizing the private purposes of education rather than the traditional public mission of higher education.

They found that websites largely described diverse institutions in pretty similar ways.

This is consistent with my own work that has looked at how institutions sell themselves in advertisements during bowl games.

We know that marketing and branding in higher education is critical to attracting students to our colleges and universities.

However, I would argue that higher education has largely not engaged in this work well and one need to look no further than at institutional web pages.

The digital front porch is tremendously important, but we commit the same marketing errors in our web pages.  We don’t think systematically and smartly about the messages communicated with our web presence.

Moreover, to the extent that such thought is given at the institutional level or maybe the admissions office, pull up a few of the web pages for academic departments on your campus.

Particularly for graduate students, this is often the entry point to considering a university and the web pages are almost uniformly terrible.

So what can we do?

I would suggest that starting with department web pages may be a good place to begin.  A template can be useful, but an overly simple one can be severely limiting.

Have a discussion about what you want to convey to prospective students. I also suggest focusing your web page on prospective students and external audiences.

Many departments (and even institutions) use their web page as an online catalogue and policy manual. Those may be important resources to have online, but this shouldn’t drive your web decisions.

At the end of the day, the best way to leverage the power of the web in higher education is to be intentional.

Who are you communicating with and what are you wanting to share?

The web is too important to not be a significant focus of your marketing and communications efforts.

Curb appeal matters in real estate and in higher education.

Get your front porch in order!


Can we afford not to invest in higher education?

As the nation emerges from the recession that has plagued our economy, we must reinvest in higher education.  In recent days, several news reports have described how poorer students and families have faced the brunt of college price increases.  If achieving a college degree is no longer affordable for all students, it should concern us all.


Photo credit:

The cost of higher education is a difficult issue to understand because the price a student pays is only part of the equation.  The amount of money that a college spends to educate a student changes relatively little.  Yet, the price that a student pays can vary tremendous.