Take Time to Enjoy Campus

A college campus is a wonderful place to work.  There are few work environments that could be better.  We have smart and talented colleagues and students.  We have beautiful buildings and grounds to enjoy.  Campuses are a hive of activities.  One of the reasons that I went into higher education is that I wanted to spend my career working on a college campus.  Since I turned 18, my life has revolved around academic calendars, college sporting events, and spring breaks.  Unfortunately, I haven’t always taken advantage of all the opportunities available on campus, but I have pledged to take time to enjoy campus.

Cold, but enjoying riding on the faculty float in the homecoming parade.

One of the reasons that I moved to SMU was to be able to enjoy all that a campus offers.  I used to live an hour away from Tuscaloosa when I was at UA and hardly ever participated in campus life.  I taught my classes, did my work, and went home.

I wanted to be a better campus citizen, but life always got in the way.

Now, I only live a mile away from campus and have no excuse for not participating.  But again, life happens.  There’s writing to finish, students to meet with, and now administrative work to complete.  I found myself slipping back into my old routine.  Do the work and then head home.

No more!  I’ve committed to participating in four types of activities on campus.  I believe these will help keep me energized and will lead to a more balanced academic life.

1.  Attend campus lectures.  As with most campuses, SMU brings in many talented and famous lecturers.  A few weeks ago, my wife and I attended a wonderful talk by New York Times columnist David Brooks about the meaning of life and our society’s views on success.  Just before Thanksgiving, President George W. Bush (whose library is on SMU’s campus) had an event discussing his new book about his father that we attended.  No matter one’s views on President Bush, the opportunity to hear from a former president is an honor.  In the spring, I’m attending a lecture by stats-guru Nate Silver.  I love these opportunities to think about big ideas, challenge my own thinking, and engage in intellectual life outside of my classroom and office.

2.  Take a walk.  The Texas heat can be unbearable in the summer, but the trade off is that winters aren’t too bad.  I try to talk a walk around campus every day.  It might be a walk to get lunch or just a 10 minute trek around the Quad to get rid of the late afternoon slump.  Walking is good for you and there is no better place to walk than on a pretty campus.

3.  Enjoy the arts.  Almost every campus has a thriving arts scene.  Musical performances, plays, and museums are constant sources of activity.  SMU is no different with a great art museum and a School of the Arts with constant performances.  I haven’t been as good at participating in this part of campus, but I want to particularly take in the art museum in the spring.  Slipping away for a few minutes to wonder around looking at great works of art can be a powerful rejuvenation for a crappy day.

4.  Attend sporting events.  As an undergraduate at North Carolina, basketball was baked into my DNA.  With UNC alum Larry Brown’s turnaround of SMU’s basketball program, SMU basketball is one of the hottest tickets in town.  I love attending the games with the kids and sharing my love of sports with them.  There are many downsides of college sports that those of us in higher education understand.  However, it is nice sometimes to just go to a game and explain a full court press or how the double bonus works or just let them watch the cheerleaders and mascot.  I’ve missed college basketball since my days as an undergraduate and I’m thrilled to be attending games regularly again.

It is a wonderful privilege to get up every day and go to work on a college campus.  So much so that many of us (myself included) sometimes forget how great it is… no more.  I’m committing to doing better and to take time to enjoy campus.  I encourage you to do the same!

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