About Me

My name is Michael Harris and I am an associate professor of higher education.  I have spent over ten years teaching and researching higher education issues.  This is my personal blog focused on demystifying higher education.  I do this in two ways.  First, I address current topics and issues facing colleges and universities.  Second, I write about productivity and personal development.

My goal is to improve how faculty and administrators lead in higher education.  As a result, I provide applicable and insightful information that you can use to improve how you lead on your campus.  If you want to lead in higher education and make a difference, I am writing this blog for you.

To keep up with my most recent content, you should subscribe through the email form on the right side of this page or the RSS feed at the top of the page.

My Biography

I am an associate professor of higher education and director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. My primary research interests consider the culture, strategy, and behavior of higher education institutions. I have taught graduate courses in organization and governance, academic leadership, organizational theory, and the history of American higher education.

My research has been published in the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Innovative Higher Education, Planning for Higher Education, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Trusteeship, and reported by the Chronicle of Higher Education. I have published three books, The Qualitative Dissertation in Education:  A Guide for Integrating Research and Practice (Routledge, 2019) with co-author Karri Holley, How to Get Tenure:  Strategies for Successfully Navigating the Process (Routledge, 2019), and Teaching for Learning:  101 Intentionally-Designed Education Activities to Put Students on the Path to Success (Routledge, 2016) with co-authors Claire Major and Todd Zakrajsek.

I hold a B.A. from the University of North Carolina in American History, a M.Ed. and Ed.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in higher education administration. In 2004, I received the AERA Division J Dissertation of the Year award.

My Contact Information

You may contact me via email or follow me on Twitter.  I look forward to hearing from you!

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