One of the biggest challenges that I have as a professor is helping my students improve their writing. Encouraging students to practice the art and skill of writing is one of the areas where we can have the biggest impact on our students. I’ve always found the hardest part of teaching writing is providing feedback. I used to struggled to provide comments to students that addressed larger issues as well as edits for style and grammar. I also had to manage the time needed to grade in order to provide prompt feedback and protect my own sanity. Video grading can improve your student feedback and provides the best solution for offering writing feedback.
Video grading provides many advantages for delivering student assessment and feedback. Students have been traumatized by the dreaded red pen and often want to write the “correct” way. Few of my students have learned the writing process before coming into my class. My goal is to help them learn the process as much as any specific tips or advice I may have for their papers. Video grading presents a perfect opportunity to guide students through the writing process. It also offers many advantages over other feedback methods I have tried.